Some GFMK readers recently ask for help finding gluten-free nail polish and remover. For many people who are gluten sensitive, nail polish is usually one of the least concerns. However, if you have…

Some GFMK readers recently ask for help finding gluten-free nail polish and remover. For many people who are gluten sensitive, nail polish is usually one of the least concerns. However, if you have…
Welcome the GFMG Gluten Free Makeup List! The biggest collection of gluten free makeup, skincare, hair care and body care on the internet! Navigating the conflicting world of gluten free makeup can…
(Update 2020: If you are looking for gulten free makeup at Ulta, check my post here.) Once upon a time, finding gluten-free makeup in stores was impossible. But the world has changed.…
Trying to figure out what the Gluten-free brands at Ulta are? This guide has you covered! To help make things easier for you, I contacted every single company that is currently carried…
Do you miss walking into stores and just buying whatever struck your fancy? Or being able to test the colors on your skin before committing to a purchase? If you’re extremely sensitive…
Once upon a time, shipping stuff from the USA to Canada was a fairly simple and inexpensive process. But in recent years, customs fees have jumped to the point of making it…