Blow, blow, thou winter wind Thou art not so unkind As man’s ingratitude; Thy tooth is not so keen, Because thou art not seen, Although thy breath be rude. “Blow, Blow, Thou…
Gluten Free Skin Care that Makes You $$ – Lemongrass Spa
I heard about Lemongrass Spa just a few weeks ago, but right away I was very curious about them and their products. Why? Well, for one thing they have a fantastic selection. Gluten free makeup or…
Natural Nail Polish that Lasts for Days: Is it Even Possible? – LONDONTOWN
Let me start out by saying that I’m very biased towards LONDONTOWN. Terrible way to start a review, huh? 😉 Here’s the thing though: This is my second review of this company.…
It’s Gluten Free! – Review – Afterglow
From the very beginning of my Gluten Free makeup search, Afterglow has stood out. Their website rocks, they have all the information I can think of anyone wanting to know about their…

BREAKING NEWS – NARS is no longer Gluten Free
*sigh* I am grateful for their honesty, but that doesn’t mean I’m not disappointed. When I first talked to NARS, they told me how careful they were in watching their gluten content. They…
I am SO Excited about this Brand New Gluten Free Makeup Company! – intuitive COLOR
2023 UPDATE:: intuitive COLOR has apparently gone out of business. Their website is nowhere to be found and Googling them brings up nothing. If you have any left, don’t worry, it’s still fine.…
Not-Your-Average Flat Iron – Ferrum Flat Iron Reviewed
I’ve been debating for a while whether or not I should expand into reviewing makeup tools. It’s not specific for gluten free, of course, but I just keep running into cool beauty…
Powerfully Natural Gluten Free Skincare You Should’ve Tried Ages Ago – Savvy Boheme
What do you really want from a skincare regime? The grandest scientific breakthrough? A price tag to make your friends blanch? An A-list celebrity worshiping the label? Of course not. Nobody really cares about that kind…
You Asked, You Shall Receive: Gluten Free Lotion! – (Seed) Body Care
The soap in the bathroom gleefully committed the murder of my skin and left it feeling as dry as parchment. Discreetly, as I listened to my companion’s blabber, I reached into my…
Gluten Free Bronzer for a Sunkissed You – Everyday Minerals
So I’ve had some questions coming in about gluten free bronzer and for a while, wasn’t exactly sure where to point y’all. But then right after I started casting my eye around…
At One Time Secretive, Now a Bit Wiser – CoverGirl
With flashy models like Taylor Swift, Queen Latifa, Christie Brinkley and Drew Barrymore, CoverGirl and its ads draw the consumers eye where ever their products are sold. Taylor Swift even has a…

Organic, Silky, Gluten Free Shampoo & Conditioner – Ecco Bella
I get a lot of questions about gluten free shampoo. And it’s no wonder! It’s hard to find and many many Celiacs have reactions from gluten on their scalp. I’ve heard everything from…
16 REALLY Last Minute Gluten Free Makeup Gifts
Running a bit behind in your holiday shopping? Don’t stress! Here’s how to get something for every person on your list before Christmas arrives. And we’re not even talking gift cards- we’re talking tangible…
I Have a New Favorite Gluten Free Skin Care – Sophyto
Yes folks, you read that right. No, I have not gone through my cabinet and tossed out my old skincare, because it’s still all good stuff. But this… This stuff is awesome. Sophyto:…
Coconut-Based Skincare for Sensitive Skin – Kopari Reviews
I don’t like using coconut oil on my face. OOPS. You’re not supposed to say that in the natural skincare world. I think you’re supposed to adore coconut oil or get the…
Sparkly Eyeshadow Lasts All Day Without Creasing & Does Not Need a Base! – Mirabella
Right now, here in Austin, TX, it’s an absolute blaze of muggy heat. If you’re walking out your door, expect to sweat and glisten like you basically just took a shower. Expect…
Vibrant, All-Natural Gluten Free Nail Polish – Keeki Pure & Simple
I’m a sucker for bright colors. Happy, vibrant, glowing, exuberant- these kinds of colors speak to my very soul. But have you noticed that many gluten free and all natural companies tend…

Gluten Free Skincare w/ Glutenless Barley? – Mineral Fusion
Mineral Fusion was the first makeup+skincare+haircare line that is tested gluten free that I ever ran across. My eye was caught by their blue and brown packaging, but it was finding out that they test…
Why Going Gluten-Free wasn’t Enough to Heal Me
Have you ever wished you could send your voice back in time and scream something at your past self? I do. I would dial my time-megaphone back to about 4 years ago…
Gluten Free Hair Styling Products that Rock – Surface Hair Care
You’ve asked for this again and again! I’ve searched for it for over a year. And finally- finally! I have something definite for y’all: Surface Hair Care is indeed 100% gluten free. They have…